#º×  – th fall from grace ・



everything happened rather fast, one moment she was in her own world on her way to the nearest florist to buy flowers ( one of her friends were celebrating their birthday and she thought it would be a nice gesture ), then the next moment she feels her arm getting tugged as she is moved out of the way of something happening to her, she wasn’t entirely sure. 

another thing she wasn’t sure of was why she found herself in this position, leaned against a strangers chest and for a couple of seconds her heart skips a beat, it felt nice though a small faint peach color graces her checks, his voice was calming, there was something familiar about it though and she couldn’t put her finger on it– until she looks up and the previous butterflies were gone in the blink of an eye.

“…,” her brows furrow together, clearly displeased to see the oh too familiar face, he wasn’t someone she wanted to see, not now and not in a million years.

“you think i’d be walking this street if i knew you’d be here?” when his arms drop she quickly moves away from him, frustrated with herself that she had actually thought the feeling was nice, that his voice was comfortable, “ahhh,” she exclaims ruffling her hair out of frustration, ‘what a waste of a pretty face,’ she thinks to herself, turning her head to glare at the boy.

it’s one of the nth times he’s met this girl. her name is a bit of a toss up  –  he had never been good with them, but he recognizes her face in an instant. and it’s starting to make him feel delirious. things like this didn’t happen in real life did they? it felt like one of those dramas his aunt was obsessed with. girl meets boy once, boy runs into girl a dozen of times after and then falls in love with her because of the constant occurrence. or at least that’s what jaemin took from them.

and then the confusion hits.

the displeasure in his voice hits him like a punch to the gut – did he do something? hadn’t he just saved her from getting drenched in plant water? wasn’t she supposed to thank him politely? the good ol’ knight in shining armor thing? not that that was why jaemin did this, but wasn’t this how this was supposed to go?

“i’m sorry?” he blinks, hand immediately dropping from the other’s waist – rising upwards in surrender, as if burned.

jaemin blinks again, now dumbfounded by the way she was acting. had he offended her in some way? if anything, isn’t this the part in the story where it was supposed to be a laughable moment? so why was she acting like he had been the one who had poured the water all over her?

“uh …” he pauses, “you okay?” he steps back, “did i do something to you?” jaemin tries to rack his head over anything that could have been the reason for this but he comes up blank. 
